Lost & Found


Anonymous said...

Nice strip! I can identify with them age-wise, but our lad is still only 16.Not long to wait though! :-)

Sarah Glidden said...


I found your strip through Drawn.ca. I really like it! I'm 26 so while i wouldnt automatically be able to "identify" with it age-wise, i think thats what comics are...helping us identify with whoever the characters are if theyre put down thoughtfully on the page.

I kind of draw comics like yours...you can check them out if you want. i'll keep reading yours!
small noises comics

Anonymous said...


I found your strip through Drawn.ca too and Mr Overleaf seems like a really nice guy. I've started a cartoon blog about same time as you started yours & the focus is on cartoon devotionals & bible stories. After drawing the strip, I will scan and post but somehow, the conversations are not clear. I noticed that yours is very clear, how do you do it?

Thanks & I'm blogrolling your blog.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I would say it needs improvement, isn't very funny. Is it supposed to be?!